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globalhealthplanet > Articles by: Global health planet
How to Improve Physical Wellness

How to Improve Physical Wellness

In our fast-paced world, discover the key to a happy and balanced life through our guide on ‘How to Improve Physical Wellness.’ Explore essential tips for enhancing energy, mood, and productivity, ensuring a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle. In this thorough guide, we will examine a number of physical wellness and provide practical tips on enhancing […]

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Best Online Therapy That Takes Insurance

Best Online Therapy That Takes Insurance

Discovering the best online therapy that takes insurance involves navigating platforms offering quality mental health care while accepting insurance coverage. Services like BetterHelp, Talkspace, Amwell, Doctor On Demand, and Brightside stand out, providing accessible therapy options and accepting various insurance plans for convenient and affordable mental health support. The Benefits of Online Therapy Online therapy […]

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most important principle of primary health care

What is the most important principle of primary health care?

In the ever-evolving landscape of the healthcare industry, the most important principle of primary health care remains a steadfast beacon. This holistic and comprehensive approach dynamically meets the changing needs of society, addressing the fundamental health requirements of individuals with unwavering dedication.  In this article, we delve into the intricate layers of primary health care, […]

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New Breakthroughs in Mental Health

New Breakthroughs in Mental Health

Mental health, a vital aspect of overall well-being, has recently witnessed transformative breakthroughs.The evolving landscape of mental health care encompasses a range of advancements, from neuroscience breakthroughs to innovative psychotherapeutic approaches. This article explores the profound changes shaping the mental health domain, providing insights into the latest breakthroughs and their impact on individuals and society. […]

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Diet for Dialysis Patients with Diabetes

Diet for Dialysis Patients with Diabetes: Nourishing the Body

“Diet for Dialysis Patients with Diabetes” is delicate, combining meticulous diabetes management with the unique challenges of dialysis.  The importance of a specialized diet cannot be emphasized because it is essential tocontrolling blood sugar levels, maintaining kidney function, and ensuring overall health. The Unique Needs The unique needs encapsulate the distinctive requirements and considerations that […]

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What Type of Exercise is Best for Flexibility?

The key to enhanced flexibility with exercises tailored for optimal results. Exercise is best for flexibility, often overlooked in fitness pursuits. In this article, we will delve into the world of Flexibility,  exploring various exercises that can enhance your range of motion and contribute to a more well-rounded fitness routine. Definition of Flexibility   In […]

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mental health awareness

What is the importance of mental health awareness in the workplace?

Mental health awareness in the workplace is becoming increasingly critical as employers recognize the need to create a safe and supportive environment for their employees. Mental health issues can have a significant effect on an individual’s ability to perform their job and can lead to decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and higher levels of stress. By […]

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